Friday, February 13, 2009


happy valentine's day {almost}! i hope your day is filled with lots of love, lots of laughs and lots of kisses.

this is the extent of valentine's decorating in our home. so festive isn't it? as you can see (because it totally doesn't match), i literally just stuck these heart sticks into my already decorated and filled vase. here's the deal. i love LOVE. and i love decorating. i just don't see the need in decorating my whole house because of it for one particular holiday. maybe it's cause i don't have kids? or maybe it's cause the only valentine's decor i have is these heart sticks (from the dollar store) and one red pillow that says love. it's not quite enough to decorate a house. and i'm ok with that.

my husband and i finally get some much-needed relaxing time together this weekend. he's been working so hard... night & day, day & night. we have our favorite nephew's 6th birthday party on sunday (yay!) and then hubs has monday off from work AND school (it's seriously a miracle). in honor of that glorious occasion, we will be spending the entire day together sans computer!

but i will be back here on tuesday with my first post of the treasures series and i really hope you will join me. :) until then, have a great holiday and don't be stingy with those kisses. xoxo


Aron said...

happy valentines girlie!

Jamie said...

Ditto what Aron said, Happy Valentines!!!!!

I am excited to see the treasures! I loathed antiquing with my Grandmother and Mom when I was young and at some point in time it all changed. One day I started to turn into my Mother. Actually liking flowers and plants too....and purses.

kimricosays said...

love your blog!

happy valentines!
