Wednesday, March 18, 2009

flowers 101: week 3

this was definitely by far my favorite week so far in floral design. i finally i got my hands on some lover-ly flowers like these hybrid lilies. and tulips... well, who doesn't love tulips. curly willow is always one of my fav's so that was exciting too. some carnations still snuck their way in there...but that's ok. they are cute and peppermint-y looking. i'll let them stay.


Anonymous said...

Sorry if you've already answered this, but are you taking a floral design class? I've always been so interested in that art. Your bouquet is gorgeous.

bloomers shoppe said...

no problem kirwin! yes, i am taking a floral design course. it is very fun and interesting. i would definitely suggest it if you have a couple hours to spare each week.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rae,
I got my herb boxes at I just checked their site, and they don't have them anymore. Lots of other fun stuff, though!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rae,
I got my herb boxes at I just checked their site, and they don't have them anymore. Lots of other fun stuff, though!

themom said...