I have been waiting oh-so-patiently for a couple months now for my birch tubes from small stump. I think I have been a very good girl waiting and waiting (although I was dying wanting to have them! They are SO cute :) Well, I was thrilled last night when husband walked in the door with a box... YAY! The birch tubes are here. I opened up the package and let me just tell you, what I found was a package of JOY and happy. I think I was now more excited about the packaging than the birch tubes. I heart you small stump.
Hi Rachel, Thank so much for visiting my blog and for the nice comment! So glad you like it! I actually live in Long Beach, CA...so I guess we are in the same state, but still pretty far away. I have to say that your blog is amazing too...can't wait to see your next party creation!
ohhhhh looks like FUN!! i LOVE getting things in the mail :)
I love the little mushroom - adorable!
Hi Rachel,
Thank so much for visiting my blog and for the nice comment! So glad you like it! I actually live in Long Beach, CA...so I guess we are in the same state, but still pretty far away. I have to say that your blog is amazing too...can't wait to see your next party creation!
thanks for being so patient in waiting for the birch! and so glad to know the packaging is appreciated! best, jill
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